

How it all started.

I have enjoyed running my own business for many years now, however, one of my biggest frustrations has been the constant fight against time, overwhelm and the feeling of disappointment when I have not achieved enough.

About 3 years ago I decided I'd had enough. I tested numerous planners over the years but none of them thing really offered me what I was looking for, so I embarked on a long journey to create my own. 

Excited at the prospect of being a more organized, productive, focused and creative individual; I set out to create the 'Champion' of Planners. This planner would have a place for everything, address all my productivity and time management problems and would be only second to actually having a Personal Assistant.  It was going to be like a trusted companion,  helping me to stay focused and guiding me effortlessly through each month, week.

Now I am ready to share it with you.